Saturday, January 10, 2009

Fun guys (fungus like protists) =]

(Slime mold)

  • They Contain parasitic and predatory molds that produce spores

  • Most are single-celled, decomposers in aquatic habitats

  • Phagocytic slime molds live as singla amoeboid cells or aggregations of cells that migrate together and form spre producing structures.

  • Acellular slime molds- help scientists sudy movement of protoplasm, form plasmodia at one point in life cycle

  • Cellular slime molds- help scientists study how cells communicate, function, like a single, multicelled organism as one point in thier life cycle.

Random comment- mushrooms. i like them raw but i do not life them cooked. To me, they feel wierd when I chew them.

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