Saturday, January 10, 2009

Animal--like protists aka "PrOtOzOaNs"....(Crazy I know!)

(an ameba)

(animal like protistas)
  • Unicellular AND colonial

  • Eukaryotic

  • Heterophic
Endosym bionthHypothesis

- First Eukaryotic cell was formed by a symbiosis

among several prokaryotes which lost the ability to live alone.

random comment: this is prettty kool =]

Animal-like Protists

a) Ciliates: Motile, cilia, free living.

EX: Paramecium (reproduction by binary fission, conjugation)

b) Flagellates: motile, flBoldagella,reproduce asexually by binary fission and sexually.

EX: Trypanosoma- causes African sleeping sickness

EX: Trichonympha- live in termites, help digest food

c) Sporozoans: non-motile, parasitic, reproduce by spores.
EX: Plasmodium- causes malaria

d) Sarcodina: "false feet" pseudopods

EX: Ameba- some cause amebic dysentary

**Disease- infection caused by many of these**

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